Факультет інженерії, транспорту та архітектури
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Документ 3D-моделювання редукторів автокранів з використанням методу скінченних елементів(Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, 2020) Рудик, Олександр Юхимович; Трасковецька, Лілія Михаййлівна; Максимчук, Олександр ВасильовичЗа допомогою SolidWorks проведений перевірний розрахунок ведучої шестерні циліндричного косозубого редуктораДокумент Abrasive and Fretting Wear Resistance of Refractory Cobalt Alloy Specimens Manufactured by the Method of Selective Laser Melting(2014) Tarasova, T.V.; Nazarov, A.P.; Shalapko, Yu.I.This paper reports the results of comparative studies of the abrasive and fretting wear resistance of specimens manufactured by the method of selective laser melting and casting. The materials of specimens are powdered CoCrMo cobalt refractory alloy and the cast KKhS D cobalt based alloyДокумент Achieving environmental security with economic impact(Національний технічний університет «Дніпровська політехніка», м. Дніпро., 2020-12-17) Нестер, Анатолій Антонович; Нікітін, Олександр Олексійович; Романішина, Ольга Валеріївна; Мітюк, Людмила Олексіївна; Полукаров, Юрій Олексійович; Nester, A.A. ; Nikitin, O.O.; Romanishina, O.V. ; Mitiuk, L.O. ; Polukarov, Yu.O.Скидання та збереження на території підприємств відпрацьованих травильних розчинів призводить до забруднення навколишнього середовища, вимагає значних витрат при їх знешкодженні на підприємстві й на очисних спорудах у місцях розташування виробництв.Документ Actual problems of modern science(Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy ; Khmelnytskyi National University, 2024)The aim of the conference is to integrate and strengthen the wide-ranging cooperation of the scientific community for the implementation of innovative solutions in different fields; to discuss research programmes; to seek solutions to current problems of modern science; to exchange information, experiences and research results; to establish contacts between scientists from different scientific fields and to publish research results.Документ Actual problems of modern science(2019)Monograph is prepared at the Khmelnytskyi National University in cooperation with UTP University of Science and Technology, Bydgoszcz, Poland.Документ Actual problems of modern science(Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Poland, 2021-10-02)Monograph is prepared at the Khmelnytskyi National University in cooperation with Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Poland. Article in monograph are presented in the author’s original version. Authors are responsible for materials and interpretation.Документ Advanced chemical technologies and materials for industry and the environment(Khmelnytskyi National University, 2020-10)Щиро вітаю учасників та організаторів спільної конференції, присвяченої 50-річчю створення кафедри хімії та хімічної інженерії Хмельницького національного університету «Сучасні хімічні технології та матеріали для промисловості та довкілля»!Документ Advanced technologies in education, industry and the environment(Kielce, Poland, 2020-10-22)Monograph is prepared at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Khmelnytskyi National University in cooperation with Centre for Laser Technologies of Metals, Kielce, Poland. Monograph recommended by the Senate of Khmelnytskyi National University (UA), Khmelnytskyi city council (UA), Khmelnytskyi Regional Council (UA), F. H. Barwa (Pl), Centre for Laser Technologies of Metals (Pl), September – October 2020.Документ Analiza możliwości obróbki cieplno-chemicznej czopów wału korbowego silników spalinowych(2014) Shalapko, Yuriy; Kinal, Grzegorz; Musiał, JanuszДокумент Analysis of Linkage Mechanisms with Internal Driving Link(Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, 2020-02-05) Kharzhevskyi, Viacheslav; Pashechko, Mykhaylo; Pasika, Viacheslav; Hembara, NataliyaThe linkage mechanisms with internal driving link that are used in many different machines are considered in the paper. The mechanism contains hydraulic cylinder that is hinged to the rack, a rocker arm that is pivotally attached to the driving rod and to the rack. The law of motion of a rod in a hydraulic cylinder was synthesized. The positions, angular velocities and accelerations of the hydraulic cylinder and the rocker arm are analytically determined by the methods of engineering mechanics and the theory of mechanisms and machines. Thus, brief analytical dependencies are obtained. It is shown that the angular accelerations of the hydraulic cylinder and the rocker arm are qualitatively similar to the relative acceleration of the rod. The results of the work can be used in the motion research of hydraulically driven excavator buckets, other lifting and loading, road building machines, in the actuating mechanisms of industrial robotsДокумент Analysis of methods of printing images on textile materials and evaluation of their quality(Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, 2021-06) Prybeha, Dmytro; Koshevko, Julia; Smutko, Svitlana; Onofriichuk, Volodymyr; Skyba, Mykola; Synyuk, Oleg; Kuleshova, Svetlana; Pidhaichuk, Svitlana; Zlotenko, BorysThe peculiarities of the methods of printing images on textile materials are analyzed; the research of the criteria for choosing the method of printing is performed. The list of criteria is supplemented and presented in a form convenient for use in the analysis and selection of the method of printing images on textile materials in each case. The method of calculating the cost of a batch of products for each of the methods of printing the image is given. The results obtained, according to this method, make it possible to make an economic assessment of each of the printing methods and decide on the appropriateness of their use. In the course of experimental research the degrees of resistance of the images put by various methods of printing to friction and in the process of washing were established. The application of the results of this study will allow a qualitative and effective assessment of methods of printing images on textile materials depending on the production conditions for each type of product.Документ Analysis of phenomena in real contact spots due to dynamic forcing under tangential micromotion(2012) Shalapko, Yuriy; Radek, NorbertCurrently, there are two basic concepts concerning surface damage processes: one connected with surface activation, which involves an increase in free energy in a tribological system, and the other connected with surface passivation, when free energy decreases. In oscillating tribocontacts, we observe intensive formation of secondary structures of type I (Fe2O3, Fe3O4) and type II (FeO). Experimental and theoretical studies were conducted to determine the contact between a sphere and a plane, which is the most suitable system for simulating small-amplitude fretting (~ 0–3 microns). In a single point contact, we can observe all types of local surface damage in the radial direction depending on the relative slip amplitude (practically, from ~ 0), from absolutely elastic interaction in the central contact zone to the slip amplitude at the margin of the contact area in micrometers. It is very important to implement numerical and continuous integration of the stick-slip zones and calculate the contact stress and strain of the surface layer. Analyzing the influence of thermal fluctuation on the strength of materials, we can determine the parameters of activation of the surface damage at small-amplitude fretting.Документ Application of computer simulation and analysis to professional education(CPN Publishing Group. Osaka, Japan, 2020) Borovyk, Liudmyla Volodymyrivna; Rudyk, Oleksandr Yuhymovych; Melnyk, Yaroslav IgorovychThe application of SolidWorks Simulation is considered for calculations of the static strength and possible loss of stability of the bushing of the bushing of the outer balance of the carriage of the running gear of the tractors. Розглядається застосування SolidWorks Simulation для розрахунків на статичну міцність та можливу втрату стійкості упора знімача втулок зовнішніх балансирів кареток ходової частини тракторів.Документ Application of computer simulation for strength calculations(2024) Rudyk Taras OleksandrovychThe use of the SolidWorks application (SolidWorks Simulation) for calculations of the static strength of the internal rear lever of the automotive diagnostics stand is considered - the possibility of replacing steel X40Cr14 for its manufacture with steel 45. The results of calculations of stresses, displacements, deformation and margin of strength depending on static loads are given.Документ Application of ICT for the development of the diagnostic stand of gear-boxes and anchorman bridges of vehicles(Cognum Publishing House. Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2020) Borovyk, Oleh Vasyliovych; Rudyk, Oleksandr Yuhymovych; Pazii, Maxym Olexandrovychthe possibility of using ICT in the learning process is determined on the basis of the application of the CAD/CAE system SolidWorks Simulation finite element method for calculating the shaft of the diagnostic stand of the transmission boxes and driving bridges of vehicles. Визначена можливість використання ІКТ у навчальному процесі на прикладі розрахунку вала стенду діагностики коробок передач і ведучих мостів транспортних засобів на основі застосування CAD/CAE системи і методу скінченних елементів SolidWorks Simulation.Документ Application of information technologies based on SolidWorks for design of vehicle repair devices(Odesa: ONTU Publishing House, 2024) Rudyk O.Yu.; Vydysh K.A.; Madera R.O.; Tytarenko S.B.For the designed two-post lifter with an electro-hydraulic drive, calculations were made for the inner rear lever: the material was selected, the support was fixed and the load was applied, contact interactions were determined, a finite element model was created, and the stiffness matrix was constructed; carried out the synthesis of finite elements of the model; solved the resulting system of algebraic equations; determined the components of the stress-strain state.Документ Application of information technologies for modeling the bearing puller screw(Одеса: ОНУ, 2024) Rudyk O.Yu.; Podchynyuk V.V.; Vasylyshyn A.V.The study of the behavior of structures can be carried out using an experimental approach. This method allows you to evaluate the behavior of the structure under the influence of various external factors. However, it is expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, in the process of developing high-tech competitive products, leading companies use finite-element modeling, partially replacing an expensive natural experiment with a cheaper and more rational computational one, because the modern level of computer technology allows solving complex problems quite quickly.Документ Application of information technologies for modeling the bearing puller screw(Одеса: ОНУ, 2024) Rudyk O.Yu.; Podchynyuk V.V.; Vasylyshyn A.V.We considered the use of SolidWorks Simulation to calculate the static strength of the screw of the screw bearing puller.Документ Application of information technologies in the calculation of devices for car repair(2024) Rudyk, Oleksandr; Androsiuk, Roman; Bezrukyi, Vyacheslav; Lisovyi, TarasTherefore, the use of SolidWorks Simulation made it possible to investigate the stability of the power screw of the straightening stand for deformed stamped wheels of passenger cars (the loss of stability of one structural element means the almost complete loss of the load-bearing capacity of the entire structure).Документ Application of innovative technologies when researching the performance of road transport(Electronic International Scientific Journal «Actual problems in the system of education: general secondary education institution – pre-university training – higher education institution», 2024) Rudyk, Oleksandr; Kovalenko, Roman; Lavrenchuk, Andrii; Hromov, DaniilConsidered the physical processes that characterize the stressed-deformed state of the cardan flange. For this in SolidWorks provides a general methodology for building a solid model of a flange and in SolidWorks Simulation selects its material, fasteners, applied loads, creates a mesh of finite elements, determines Mises stresses, resulting displacement, equivalent deformations, and margin of safety.Документ Application of mathematical modeling for the specialty "Motor transport"(Дніпро: УДУНТ, 2023) Rudyk O.Yu.; Vidnichuk N.R.; Dotsenko N.G.; Uroda R.V.The paper considers the use of mathematical modeling in the educational process. The influence of model experiments on the development of students' cognitive activity is noted. The role of the functioning of the student scientific group (SSG) "Research of performance of details of motor-car technique" in a higher technical educational institution in the preparation of future highly qualified specialists is assessed.Документ Application of SolidWorksis for professional preparation of specialists(Полтавський університет економіки і торгівлі, 2022) Rudyk, Oleksandr Yuhymovych; Kaplun, Pavlo Vitaliyovych; Gonchar, Volodymyr AntonovychЗа допомогою SolidWorks Simulation досліджувався гвинт спеціального пристосування для стиску пружин передньої підвіски. Але це пристосування може вийти з ладу через недостатню працездатність інших його деталей, наприклад, тарілки нижньої.Документ Architectural Environment and Emotions(Shiny World Corporation, 2018) Negay, G.The article deals with the problem of assessing the emotional potential of the architectural environment with its visual perception. To determine the emotional state of the perceiving subject, it is proposed to use the principle of correspondence of visual information and emotional reaction to it. It is proposed to use a distinctive informational model developed by the author to assess the informative nature of the architectural environment. Unlike probable and statistical model, it is based on the sensitivity of the human visual system to the perception of differences in the elements of the dimensional structure of the architectural environment. The formula for determining the amount of visually perceived information is given. The unit of information measurement is an eler (elementary differences). The method proposed for assessing the harmony of the dimensional structure - the basis for the comfort of visual perception and, as a consequence, the emotional potential of the architectural environment. Such a technique will simplify the psycho-physiological studies of visual perception of the human habitat and its design with predetermined (desired) emotional properties.Документ Automotive parts design software(Dnipro: UDUNT, 2024) Rudyk O.; Banashko A.; Lynnyk R.The informative and programmatic providing of processes of проєктування details of cars is the application of computer-aided design considered on an example for automation of works of industrial enterprise on the stages of designer and technological preproduction of SolidWorks and her addition of SolidWorks Simulation for possibility of replacement of expensive and scarce steel of 18HGT for making of cog-wheel of billow of back bridge of car UAZ-31512 on more cheap and more accessible in repair shops steel 45. After reassignmentof material to the cog-wheel of billow conducted her fixing and appendix of loading. Conducted dividing of model of cog-wheel of billow the repeated calculations into eventual elements; resulting forces and moments defined; built the matrix of inflexibility, carried out the synthesis of certainly-element model taking into account the terms of her fixing in key points and untied the got system of equalizations of algebra; components of the stress-deformation state of model defined.Документ Behavior of partial slip in contact zone ball and flat surface(2012) Shalapko, Yuriy; Mashovets, Natalia; Musiał, Janusz; Kałaczyński, TomaszУ статті досліджується поведінка сталевих поверхонь при субмікронних циклічних прослизання. Визначено міра активації поверхонь при динамічному контактуванні.Документ Behaviour of nitriding layers for condition of small amplitude fretting(2007) Drapak, G.M.; Shalapko, Yuriy; Mashovets, N.S.; Radek, NorbertPurpose: It was explored fretting resistance titanic alloy VT3-1 (Ti-Al6-Cr2-Mo2,5) after low temperature ionic nitriding in unhydrogen environment. Design/methodology/approach: Small amplitude fretting was initiated by the dynamic contact of ball and flat in the regime of the partial slip on edge of spot of contact. A method differs by simplicity and express determination of fretting resistance, namely areas of destruction by action of fretting for part nominally fixed contact - how the functions of cycles of loading. Findings: As a result of fretting the central region of sticking decreasing, and the edge of areas of fretting are increasing. Practical implications: The method of initiation of small amplitude fretting within bounds of preliminary displacement is offered. On the offered method the destruction of titanic alloys is explored at fretting and influencing of ionic nitriding on fretting. By a computation method the work of forces of friction in the area of wear, which in 5..6 times is less for nitriding titanic alloys, is appraised. Originality/value: A method allows defining reactionary power of nitriding layers for small amplitude fretting.Документ CAD/CAE-systems in the research of motor vehicle details(Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania: European Scientific Platform, 2021-03) Rudyk, Oleksandr Yuhymovych; Fasolya, Vladyslav OlegovychУ SolidWorks Simulation досліджувалась цанга (сталь 45Х) гвинтового знімача підшипників. Метою ставилось дослідження можливості заміни даного матеріалу на дешевший і доступніший у ремонтних майстернях (сталь 20).Документ CAD/CAE-systems in the study of performance of the off-road differential(CPN Publishing Group, 2021-03) Psol, Serhij Vasylyovych; Rudyk, Oleksandr Yuhymovych; Korobka, Ivan VasylyovychReconnaissance of sattelites of the differential of the front axle of the car LuAZ-1301 was carried out. SolidWorks/SolidWorks Simulation was used as a CAD/CAE system. Determined the maximum stresses, displacements, deformations, the minimum coefficient of margin of safety.Документ CAD/CAE-системи у дослідженні деталей вантажівок(Житомирський державний технологічний університет, 2019) Рудик, Олександр Юхимович; Трасковецька, Лілія Михаййлівна; Трембач, Павло РомановичДокумент CAD/CAE-системи як навчальне середовище інженера(Національна металургійна академія України, 2020) Рудик, Олександр Юхимович; Денега, Олександр Олександрович; Сворінь, Андрій СергійовичThe questions of engineering analysis by a computer-aided design are lighted up SolidWorks and its appendixes SolidWorks Simulation. The physical processes that characterize the stress-strain state of the crosspiece of the device for cross compression of the bar are considered. The maximum nodal stresses and the resulting displacements have a minimum margin of safety. The conclusion of the conducted research is the following: under the action of applied forces in the extreme case the crosspiece is on the verge of destruction. Therefore, it is necessary to either replace the material of the crosspiece with a stronger one or apply heat treatment to the existing oneДокумент CAD/CAE-системи: їх роль у проектуванні й розрахунку вузлів і деталей автомобільної техніки(Конін – Ужгород – Київ – Херсон: Посвіт, 2020) Рудик, Олександр Юхимович; Боровик, Людмила Володимирівна; Багрій, Владислав СтаніславовичДокумент Calculation-experimental modeling of wear of cylindrical sliding bearings(Edition of Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies, 2017) Dykha, A.; Sorokatyi, R.; Makovkin, O.; Babak, O.Запропонована модель зношування підшипника ковзання в умовах граничного тертя у вигляді залежності інтенсивності зношування від контактного тиску і швидкості ковзання. На основі моделі зношування вирішена зносоконтактна задача для циліндричного підшипника ковзання. Для ідентифікації параметрів зносостійкості розроблена теорія методу випробувань на знос за схемою "конус–три кульки". Наведено приклад реалізації методу розрахунку зносу підшипника ковзання. Отримані результати рекомендуються для прогнозування зношування підшипників ковзання з урахуванням впливу конструктивних і експлуатаційних факторівДокумент Cavitation-Erosion Wear Resistance of Fluoroplasticics in Model Food Production Media(Journal of Friction and Wear, 2019-07) Stechishin, M.S.; Martynyuk, A.V.; Oleksandrenko, V.P.; Bilyk, Yu.M.The effect of acidic, alkaline and neutral media on wear kinetics and mechanism for fluoroplastics and polyolefins has been studied. Equations for fluoroplastic and polyolefin wear intensity are obtained based on the thermochemical and mechanical model of their destruction. The values of the activation energies for the surface destruction onset over the entire wear cycle of the polymer surface spherulite are determined.Документ Computer design of technological processes strengthening and recovery of parts for automobile transport(Konin – Użhorod – Przemyśl – Chersoń: Poswit, 2024) Rudyk Oleksandr; Kaplun Pavlo; Gonchar VolodymyrWe prepare students not only as users of ready-made CAD, but also give them the opportunity to develop, even elementary, but complete databases of nodes and parts of automobile transport, tools, accessories, materials, equipment, etc. (creation of forms, requests, reports; application the Visual Basic for Applications programming language to optimize the determination of the optimal part restoration mode; the use of macros to optimize the work with the created database; mathematical modelling of the results of wear resistance studies of the restored part in the MathCAD environment).Документ Computer simulation of driven cog-wheel of back bridge MAZ car(Publishing House “ACCENT”. – Sofia, Bulgaria, 2020) Rudyk, Oleksandr Yuhymovych; Olianskyi, Oleg Yurievych; Mosyondz, Andrii OlexandrovychSolidWorks Simulation was used to determine the performance of the MAZ-509 driven rear axle gear. The material for its production is 18HGT steel, which is not always present in repair shops. Therefore, a determination was made as to the possibility of replacing this material with more affordable material – steel 45 or even steel 20.Документ Computer simulation of fracture of the interface implant-bone for total hip prosthesis(Хмельницький національний університет, 2010) Shalapko, Yuriy; Razuvaeva, Marija; Radek, NorbertВажливою особливістю моделювання та виготовлення протезів стегна є мінімальна витрата матеріалів, але при цьому вони повинні забезпечити необхідний рівень міцності. В усіх випадках, аутопластичність призводить до зміни умов навантаження кісткок, за яких вони б змогли адаптуватися під час заживлення та експлуатації, а також їх структури і механічних властивостей. Найважливішою умовою ефективної адаптації кістки до ендопротезів є забезпечення довгострокової стабільності імплантату, а саме надійна первинна фіксація. Було зроблено детальний аналіз напруженого стану кісткової тканини в області її контакту з ендопротезом. Ми дійшли висновку, що для всіх з’єднань найбільш небезпечним з точки зору цілісності і можливого фретингу контакту є напруженодеформований стан, за якого можливе відносне зміщення поверхонь у 2– 6 мкм.Документ Computer simulation of the electrohydraulic lift with the help SolidWorks Simulation(Cognum Publishing House. London, United Kingdom, 2021-05) Rudyk, Oleksandr Yuhymovych; Shepilo, Oleksandr VitaliyovychThe purpose of the study is to determine the maximum weight of the car, which will not lead to the destruction of the bracket of a two-post lift with electro-hydraulic drive with clear consequences for safety. For geometrical simulation was used program SolidWorks. Analysis was performed by using the software package SolidWorks Simulation, included in the software package SolidWorks.Документ Computer simulation of the stressed and deformed state of motor vehicle parts(Одеса: Видавництво ОНТУ, 2024) Rudyk O.Yu.; Voytyuk I.S.; Gerasymchuk M.I.; Nikolayenko V.V.Mathematical and computer modeling of complex processes has advantages over other traditional calculation methods. Therefore, in this study, the SolidWorks program and its SolidWorks Simulation application were used to replace the material of the primary shaft of the gearbox of the GAZ-24 car (alloy steel) with structural steel (after chemical and thermal treatment), which is cheaper and more accessible in repair shops.Документ Computer simulation of the tensely-deformed condition of a screw support trailers(SPC “Sci-conf.com.ua”, 2020) Rudyk, Oleksandr Yuhymovych; Maslovskyi, Oleksandr Oleksandrovych; Zherebetskyi, Sergii SergiyovychДокумент Conception of 3D Scanner Applied to Surface Digital Recording of Rock Mass Experimental Modeling(2014) Shalapko, Yuriy; Dominik, Ireneusz; Flaga, Stanisław; Karwat, BolesławThe mining industry is a source of widespread mining damage which can be counteracted in advance, especially when planning future exploitation. To fulfill the task, laboratory analogue modeling devices are used. They can experimentally model the geodynamic evolution of tectonic structures. The results of the experiments are 3D surfaces whose geomorphology should be digitally recorded. Our paper presents the construction of a 3D scanner that allows for modeling surfaces to digital recording as well as the measurement methodology. The possibility of applying the MSMA actuator to drive the scanner also is examined.