Application of information technologies in the calculation of devices for car repair

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Назва тому
Therefore, the use of SolidWorks Simulation made it possible to investigate the stability of the power screw of the straightening stand for deformed stamped wheels of passenger cars (the loss of stability of one structural element means the almost complete loss of the load-bearing capacity of the entire structure).
The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibility of replacing 20G steel with St1kp steel (DIN equivalent – S185), which is cheaper and more accessible in repair shops.
Ключові слова
SolidWorks Simulation, passenger cars, deformed stamped wheels, straightening stand, power screw, stability
Бібліографічний опис
Rudyk Oleksandr. Application of information technologies in the calculation of devices for car repair / Oleksandr Rudyk, Roman Androsiuk, Vyacheslav Bezrukyi, Taras Lisovyi // Rozwój nowoczesnej edukacji i nauki – stan, poblemy, perspektywy. Tom ХVI: Miejsce i znaczenie kognitywistyki w rozwoju nauki i edukacji / [Red.: J. Grzesiak, I. Zymomrya, W. Ilnytskyj]. Konin – Użhorod – Przemyśl – Chersoń: Poswit, 2024. – Pp. 131-133.