Професійна підготовка бакалаврів з міжнародних відносин в університетах Великої Британії
Дзюба, Маргарита Ігорівна
Dziuba, M.I.
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Назва тому
Хмельницький національний університет
У роботі про аналізовано стан опрацювання проблеми професійної підготовки
бакалаврів з міжнародних відносин у психолого-педагогічній літературі; окреслено
пріоритетні напрями розвитку політологічної освіти в умовах світової глобалізації
та інтернаціоналізації; подано загальну характеристику підготовки бакалаврів
з міжнародних відносин в університетах Великої Британії; досліджено організаційний, змістовий і методичний сегменти професійної підготовки
бакалаврів-міжнародників у британських та українських університета;
з’ясовано особливості й типологію освітніх програм; виконано порівняльно-
педагогічний аналіз професійної підготовки бакалаврів з міжнародних відносин в університетах Великої Британії й України; обґрунтовано можливості використання конструктивних ідей досвіду Великої Британії в теорії і практиці
професійної підготовки бакалаврів-міжнародників у системі вищої політологічної
освіти України.
Analysis of scientific and scientific-methodical works of domestic and foreign researchers showed that in modern pedagogical and comparative discourse the problem of training baсhelors in interna tiona l rela tions in British universities has not been independently studied. Scholars pay special a ttention to the philosophical, pedagogica, and culturologica l principles of formation and development of training systems for international specialists in the XX-early XXI century. Outlining promising areas for improving the training of international specialists intensifies research atention to foreign pedagogical innovations. The issues of substantiation o f the oretical- methodological, organizational-pedagogical and structural-semantic principles of professional training of bachelors in international relations are open for scientific discussion. The following a pproaches serve as a methodologic al basis for the professional training of bachelors in international relations at British universities: interdisciplinary (a imedat the development of interdisciplinary knowledge and skills); cross-ultural (formation of skills of culturologization of political interaction, a bility to cooperate , tolerantly and openly respond to cultural peculiarities, resolve cross-cultural conflicts, apply cross-cultural knowledge in practice); competence (formation of professional competence); integrative (ensuring the integration of theoretical and practicalt raining); practice-oriented (formation of readiness for professional activity in the international environment); personality-oriented (taking into account the individual experience of the student, his needs for self-realization); holistic (holistic design of monitoring the quality of training and learning outcomes). The development and design of educational programs and content for bachelors in international relations at UK universities is based on the key provisions of the standard of higher education in politics and international relations. The components of educatioal programs for bachelors in international relations (purpose, social mission, principles, content, competencies, forms and methods of teaching, control and evaluaton of the quality of educational outcomes, further employment and areas of professional development) are identified. The formation of content is based on the following principles: student-centeredness, personality-oriented learning, fundamen talization, subject specialization, interdisciplinarity, priority of practical lea rning. The co ntent of bachelor's training covers a wide range of global issues of modern politics and international rela tions. The purpose of professional training of bachelors in international relations is a imedatforming modern specialists with a highlevel of international culture and developed critical thinking, who are able to freely navigate current trends in international rela tions and politics, conduct current forecasting research, have managerial qualities. Active implementation of minor educational programs helps to attract well-known scholars and practitioners in the field of political science education and international rela tions in the organization of the educational process, which to some extent improves the quality of training, meets the needs and interests of students and employers. Professional training of bachelors at UK universities is provided by the balanced use of traditional and innovative forms, methods and technologies of education. Among them: problem lectures; tutorials; workshops, laboratory sessions, grouptr ining, individual work; practice-oriented training, discussions, field trips, etc. Comparative and pedagogical analysis of professional training of bachelors in international relations in the universities of Great Britain and Ukraine made it possible to identify similar and special a pproaches according to the relevant criteria. Possibilit ies of using constructive ideas of the experience of Great Britain for improvement of professional training of bachelors in international relations in the system of higher education of Ukraine are substantiated. Based on the intermediate and final results of the study developed educational and methodological support, covering a special course «Professional training of bachelors in international relations: the experience of Great Britain» for students majoring in «International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies» and «International Economic Relations».
Analysis of scientific and scientific-methodical works of domestic and foreign researchers showed that in modern pedagogical and comparative discourse the problem of training baсhelors in interna tiona l rela tions in British universities has not been independently studied. Scholars pay special a ttention to the philosophical, pedagogica, and culturologica l principles of formation and development of training systems for international specialists in the XX-early XXI century. Outlining promising areas for improving the training of international specialists intensifies research atention to foreign pedagogical innovations. The issues of substantiation o f the oretical- methodological, organizational-pedagogical and structural-semantic principles of professional training of bachelors in international relations are open for scientific discussion. The following a pproaches serve as a methodologic al basis for the professional training of bachelors in international relations at British universities: interdisciplinary (a imedat the development of interdisciplinary knowledge and skills); cross-ultural (formation of skills of culturologization of political interaction, a bility to cooperate , tolerantly and openly respond to cultural peculiarities, resolve cross-cultural conflicts, apply cross-cultural knowledge in practice); competence (formation of professional competence); integrative (ensuring the integration of theoretical and practicalt raining); practice-oriented (formation of readiness for professional activity in the international environment); personality-oriented (taking into account the individual experience of the student, his needs for self-realization); holistic (holistic design of monitoring the quality of training and learning outcomes). The development and design of educational programs and content for bachelors in international relations at UK universities is based on the key provisions of the standard of higher education in politics and international relations. The components of educatioal programs for bachelors in international relations (purpose, social mission, principles, content, competencies, forms and methods of teaching, control and evaluaton of the quality of educational outcomes, further employment and areas of professional development) are identified. The formation of content is based on the following principles: student-centeredness, personality-oriented learning, fundamen talization, subject specialization, interdisciplinarity, priority of practical lea rning. The co ntent of bachelor's training covers a wide range of global issues of modern politics and international rela tions. The purpose of professional training of bachelors in international relations is a imedatforming modern specialists with a highlevel of international culture and developed critical thinking, who are able to freely navigate current trends in international rela tions and politics, conduct current forecasting research, have managerial qualities. Active implementation of minor educational programs helps to attract well-known scholars and practitioners in the field of political science education and international rela tions in the organization of the educational process, which to some extent improves the quality of training, meets the needs and interests of students and employers. Professional training of bachelors at UK universities is provided by the balanced use of traditional and innovative forms, methods and technologies of education. Among them: problem lectures; tutorials; workshops, laboratory sessions, grouptr ining, individual work; practice-oriented training, discussions, field trips, etc. Comparative and pedagogical analysis of professional training of bachelors in international relations in the universities of Great Britain and Ukraine made it possible to identify similar and special a pproaches according to the relevant criteria. Possibilit ies of using constructive ideas of the experience of Great Britain for improvement of professional training of bachelors in international relations in the system of higher education of Ukraine are substantiated. Based on the intermediate and final results of the study developed educational and methodological support, covering a special course «Professional training of bachelors in international relations: the experience of Great Britain» for students majoring in «International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies» and «International Economic Relations».
Ключові слова
Велика Британія, метод навчання, форма навчання, політологічна освіта, зміст освіти, професійна підготовка, освітня програма, бакалавр з міжнародних відносин, Great Britain, method of teaching, political science education, form of education, content of education, bachelor of international relations, professional training, educational program
Бібліографічний опис
Дзюба М. І. Професійна підготовка бакалаврів з міжнародних відносин в університетах Великої Британії : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.04 / М. І. Дзюба. - Хмельницький : ХНУ, 2021. - 20с.