Формування компенсаційного пакету як інструменту мотивації персоналу на промислових підприємствах
Зелена, М.І.
Zelena, M.I.
Назва журналу
Номер ISSN
Назва тому
У дисертаційній роботі розроблено теоретичні положення, методичні
підходи і практичні рекомендації щодо формування компенсаційного
пакету як інструменту мотивації персоналу на промислових підприємствах.
Досліджена і надана сутнісна характеристика понять «мотивація»,
«компенсаційний пакет», «соціальний пакет», досліджено еволюцію основних
теорій мотивації: ретроспектива та сучасність. Досліджено теоретикометодичні підходи формування компенсаційного пакету на промислових
підприємствах. Проаналізовано і досліджено основні тенденції розвитку
діяльності підприємств. Досліджено стан мотивації персоналу з
використанням компенсаційного пакету на промислових підприємствах.
Проаналізовано зарубіжний та вітчизняний досвід мотивації персоналу на
промислових підприємствах з використанням компенсаційного пакету.
Розроблено інноваційні підходи до формування компенсаційного
пакету в аспекті мотивації персоналу промислових підприємств. Побудовано
мотиваційні профілі персоналу промислових підприємств, проведено
аналіз їх переваг і недоліків та зроблено аналітичну оцінку їх відповідності
потребам і вимогам працівників. Запропоновано застосування контролінгу
мотивації персоналу в умовах впровадження компенсаційного пакету на
промислових підприємствах.
The thesis deals with the theoretical principles, methodical approaches and practical recommendations concerning formation of the compensatory package as the tool of personnel motivation at industrial enterprises. The essential characteristic of the concepts of “motivation”, “compensatory package”, “social package”, and the evolution of the main theories of motivation, such as retrospective and modern ones have been investigated. The theoretical and methodological approaches of compensatory package formation at industrial enterprises have been researched. The main tendencies of enterprises activity development have been analyzed and investigated. The condition of personnel motivation by means of the compensatory package at industrial enterprises has been explored. The foreign and domestic experience of personnel motivation at industrial enterprises by means of compensatory package has been analyzed. Innovative approaches to the formation of a compensatory package in the aspect of personnel motivation at industrial enterprises have been developed. The motivation profiles of industrial enterprises personnel have been constructed. 20 The analysis of their advantages and disadvantages; analytical estimation of their compliance with the needs and requirements of employees have been conducted. The application of controlling of personnel motivation in the conditions of implementation of compensatory package at industrial enterprises has been offered. The conducted research of the modern state and trends in the development of industrial enterprises indicates the existence of a significant number of problems that impede the formation of an effective system of personnel motivation of the enterprise. It has been established that the efficiency and effectiveness of an enterprise development depends to a large extent on the state of the enterprises as a whole and on the implemented motivational means that help to meet the personal needs of employees and thereby increase the efficiency of labor. In addition, the existence of a significant relationship between the main factors of productionhas been substantiated and the peculiarities of their influence on motivation of the personnel of the enterprise have been revealed. Namely, it is determined that unsatisfactory working conditions and insufficient motivation of the personnel at an enterprise affect the productivity of workers, contribute to lowering the level of profitability of production, etc. The introduction of personnel motivation controlling is offered to be evaluated using a system of key indicators. It is argued that the value of the indicator will be effective provided the company has a well-defined strategy, the correct ranking of performance indicators, and the weighting of each of them. The developed recommendations for the formation of a compensatory package as a tool for personnel motivation at industrial enterprises will allow to create appropriate regulations of the activities of individual units and industrial enterprises; rationalize personnel management; ensure the adoption of effective managerial decisions; normalize the activity of the enterprise as a whole.
The thesis deals with the theoretical principles, methodical approaches and practical recommendations concerning formation of the compensatory package as the tool of personnel motivation at industrial enterprises. The essential characteristic of the concepts of “motivation”, “compensatory package”, “social package”, and the evolution of the main theories of motivation, such as retrospective and modern ones have been investigated. The theoretical and methodological approaches of compensatory package formation at industrial enterprises have been researched. The main tendencies of enterprises activity development have been analyzed and investigated. The condition of personnel motivation by means of the compensatory package at industrial enterprises has been explored. The foreign and domestic experience of personnel motivation at industrial enterprises by means of compensatory package has been analyzed. Innovative approaches to the formation of a compensatory package in the aspect of personnel motivation at industrial enterprises have been developed. The motivation profiles of industrial enterprises personnel have been constructed. 20 The analysis of their advantages and disadvantages; analytical estimation of their compliance with the needs and requirements of employees have been conducted. The application of controlling of personnel motivation in the conditions of implementation of compensatory package at industrial enterprises has been offered. The conducted research of the modern state and trends in the development of industrial enterprises indicates the existence of a significant number of problems that impede the formation of an effective system of personnel motivation of the enterprise. It has been established that the efficiency and effectiveness of an enterprise development depends to a large extent on the state of the enterprises as a whole and on the implemented motivational means that help to meet the personal needs of employees and thereby increase the efficiency of labor. In addition, the existence of a significant relationship between the main factors of productionhas been substantiated and the peculiarities of their influence on motivation of the personnel of the enterprise have been revealed. Namely, it is determined that unsatisfactory working conditions and insufficient motivation of the personnel at an enterprise affect the productivity of workers, contribute to lowering the level of profitability of production, etc. The introduction of personnel motivation controlling is offered to be evaluated using a system of key indicators. It is argued that the value of the indicator will be effective provided the company has a well-defined strategy, the correct ranking of performance indicators, and the weighting of each of them. The developed recommendations for the formation of a compensatory package as a tool for personnel motivation at industrial enterprises will allow to create appropriate regulations of the activities of individual units and industrial enterprises; rationalize personnel management; ensure the adoption of effective managerial decisions; normalize the activity of the enterprise as a whole.
Ключові слова
мотиваційний профіль, контролінг мотивації персоналу, мотив, мотивація персоналу, компенсаційний пакет, соціальний пакет, стимул, controlling of the personnel motivation, motive, personnel motivation, compensatory package, stimulus, social package, motivational profile
Бібліографічний опис
Зелена, М.І. Формування компенсаційного пакету як інструменту мотивації персоналу на промислових підприємствах : автореф. дис. ... канд. екон. наук : 08.00.07 / М. І. Зелена. – Хмельницький : ХНУ, 2019. – 20с.