Light industry polymeric waste recycling in the conditions of urbanistic environment development

Skyba, M.E.
Synyuk, O.M.
Zlotenko, B.M.
Kulik, T.I.
Musiaf, J.
Polasik, R.
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Wydawnictwa Uczelniane Uniwersytetu Technologiczno-Przyrodniczego
The goal of the monograph was to provide solution to the scientific and technical problems involved in designing resource-saving technologies and equipment for environmentally friendly recycling of polymer waste. Today, polymer waste of light industry and other industries is processed by chemical recycling and mechanical grinding. Chemical processing of polymeric materials has significant drawbacks including high cost of the process and a significant reduction of the physical and mechanical characteristics of the recycled material. Mechanical recycling of polymer waste is simpler, cheaper and more productive than chemical, but there are not many devices for mechanical processing of light industry polymer waste. The equipment available on the market is used for processing of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), however, in most cases it is adapted from other industries. Modern methods of designing equipment for the polymer waste processing do not take into account changes in the structure of the polymer that appear during processing that cause the following drawbacks: significant energy consumption and reduced performance properties of the recycled polymer due to destruction of super molecular formations of the polymeric material. New technological processes and equipment for polymer waste recycling have been developed for the manufacture of light industry polymeric products with increased performance characteristics. Manufacturing of such products was possible by the development of a mathematical model for movement of the mixture of polymer material with particles of recycled polymer waste in the process of filling the mold cavity which, unlike the existing models, allows to observe formation of the polymer product structure with the content of recycled waste particles.:
Utwór w całości ani we fragmentach nie może być powielany ani rozpowszechniany za pomocą urządzeń elektronicznych, mechanicznych, kopiujących, nagrywających i innych bez pisemnej zgody posiadacza praw autorskich.
Ключові слова
waste, polymer waste, design, reinforced soles, light industry equipment, toothed rolls, Relo profile rolls, polymer structure, deformation, loading, fracture, molding soles
Бібліографічний опис
Light industry polymeric waste recycling in the conditions of urbanistic environment development / M. E. Skyba, O. M. Synyuk, B. M. Zlotenko, T. I. Kulik, J. Musiaf, R. Polasik. - Bydgoszcz : Wydawnictwa Uczelniane Uniwersytetu Technologiczno-Przyrodniczego Bydgoszcz, 2020. - 96 p.