Mental health features of the combatants with PTSD

Popeliushko, Roman
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Georg Olms Verlag
The article analyzes theoretical and practical aspects of the main clinical manifestations of mental health disorders of combatants with PTSD. Considered the symptoms of mental health disorders of combatants with PTSD, such as nightmares, intrusive memories, flashbacks, anxiety, generalized anxiety, uncontrolled anger, depression, emotional disorder, irritability, insomnia, difficulty concentration, feeling of insensitivity, alienation, suicidal thoughts, sexual disorders, alcohol or drug abuse.
Ключові слова
post-traumatic stress disorder, psychological health, combatant, psychological rehabilitation
Бібліографічний опис
Popeliushko R. Mental health features of the combatants with PTSD / R. Popeliushko // Inclusion in Russia, the Ukraine and Belarus. Current Work and Research / Ulf Algermissen, Olga Graumann und David Whybra (Eds.). – Hildesheim : Universitätsverlag Hildesheim -Hildesheim ; Zurich New York : Georg Olms Verlag, 2016. – P. 51-62.