Наукові основи проектування обладнання для переробки полімерних відходів у вироби легкої промисловості
Синюк, О.М.
Synyuk, O.M.
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Дисертаційна робота присвячена вирішенню науково-технічної проблеми проектування ресурсозберігаючого обладнання для екологічно чистої переробки полімерних відходів у вироби легкої промисловості. Встановлено, що сучасні методи проектування обладнання для переробки полімерних відходів не враховують зміни у структурі полімеру в процесі його переробки, що призводить до значних витрат енергії та зниження експлуатаційних властивостей переробленого полімеру. Поставлену проблему розв’язано створенням моделі надмолекулярної структури полімерного матеріалу та розробкою на її основі методів визначення фізико-механічних властивостей полімеру при впливі на нього механічного та теплового полів. Це дозволило визначити діапазон мінімальних деформацій та температури, при яких забезпечується руйнування полімерних матеріалів по границях структурних утворень, що, у свою чергу, дає можливість отримувати виражену анізотропію фізико-механічних властивостей в переробленому матеріалі та зменшувати витрати енергії на процес руйнування. Отримано аналітичні вирази, що пов’язують ці деформації з параметрами обладнання для переробки полімерних відходів, на основі яких розроблено методи проектування пристрів із зубчастими валками та валками профілю Рело, що входять до складу згаданого обладнання. Експериментальна перевірка розроблених моделей структури полімеру підтвердила їх коректність. Правильність розроблених методів проектування перероблювальних пристроїв підтверджено результатами випробування їх експериментальних зразків. Проведені експериментальні випробування підошов, виготовлених із додаванням полімерних частинок, на міцність та витривалість підтвердили підвищені експлуатаційних характеристики цих виробів.
The dissertation is dedicated to the solution of the scientific and technical problem of designing resource-saving equipment for the ecologically friendly recycling of polymeric waste in light industrial products. Today, polymeric waste from light industry and other industries is recycled by chemical recycling and mechanical grinding. The essential drawback of the chemical recycling of polymeric materials is the high cost of the process and a significant reduction in physical and mechanical characteristics of the recycled material. Mechanical recycling of polymeric waste is easier, cheaper and more productive than the chemical, but today there is not enough equipment for the mechanical recycling of polymeric waste in light industry, mainly equipment is offered exclusively for processing PET or PETP, but mostly this equipment is borrowed from other industries. Modern methods of designing equipment for recycling of polymeric waste do not take into account changes and in the structures and polymer arising during recycling, resulting in the main drawbacks of the process of polymeric waste grinding with modern equipment are: significant energy consumption and reduction of operational properties of recycled polymer due to the destruction of the supramolecular formations of the polymer material during its recycling. Scientific bases of designing equipment for recycling of polymeric waste into products of light industry, developed in the dissertation, allow solving of the problem. They include models of the supramolecular structure of the polymeric material and the methods of determining the elastic properties of the polymer on the basis of their influence on the mechanical and thermal fields, which allow calculating the minimum deformations and temperatures that should create recycling equipment for the destruction of polymer waste, are developed on their basis. On the basis of the above-mentioned methods, the ranges of relative strain of the previous tensile and the heating temperature of the polymeric material are determined, within which the most significant reduction of the modulus of elasticity and shear in the transverse to the previous tension of the direction is provided. The correctness of the developed mathematical models and the methods developed for their determination on the elastic properties of the polymer under known deformation and temperature is confirmed by experimental studies of the influence of mechanical and thermal fields on the physical and mechanical characteristics of the polymeric material. The connection between the deformations that must be created in a polymeric material to destroy it, and the structural and technological parameters of the equipment for the recycling of polymeric waste, determine the dependences obtained in the dissertation, dependencies on the basis of which the methods of designing devices with toothed rolls and rolls of the Relo profile are developed, which allow determining the diameter of the toothed rolls and rolls of the profile of the Relo, the height, the profile angle and step of the teeth, the rotational speed of the rolls, the eccentricity of the arc of rolls of the profile of the Relo relative to the axis of rotation, at which the required dispersion of the recycled material is provided at minimum energy consumption. The correctness of the developed methods of designing equipment for the recycling of polymeric waste is confirmed by the results of the test of an experimental design of this equipment, which was designed using these methods. Recycled on an experimental installation, polymeric waste was used for the manufacture of polymeric products of light industry with increased operational characteristics. The acquisition of such products was made possible by the development of a mathematical model of the movement of a mixture of polymer material with particles of recycled polymer waste in the process of filling the cavity of the mold, which, unlike existing models, allows observing the formation of the structure of polymer products with the inclusion of particles of recycled waste. The correctness of this mathematical model is confirmed by experimental studies of the influence of the structural parameters of the mold on the formation of the structure of the sole with the inclusion of particles of polymeric waste. Increased performance soles for shoes, received injection molding blends of PVC with recycled polyethylene particles was confirmed by experimental tests on the soles of tensile strength and fatigue endurance. The results of these tests can be used in the design of recycling equipment for obtaining the particles of the required shape and size and for designing molds to obtain the required concentration and orientation of the particles in the polymeric products of the light industry. The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time the concept of the design of equipment for the recycling of polymeric waste is proposed, which takes into account the change in the supramolecular structure of the polymeric material and the anisotropy of its properties when it is created in a complex stress-strain state, resulting in a mathematical model for changing the structure of the polymeric material and anisotropy of its operational properties under the influence of mechanical and thermal fields, which is the basis of the analytical method of calculating the elastic properties of polymeric materials, which allows determining the minimum deformation, which should create a recycling equipment in a polymeric material to destroy its structure. The practical significance of the results obtained is that during the implementation of the dissertation, a method for determining the structural parameters of rollers and mills and technological modes of their work, at which the destruction of the polymeric material to the particles of the required dispersion at a minimum energy costs is provided. The experimental researches of the recycling of polymeric materials (polyethylene and polypropylene sheets and PVC soles) on roller devices and needle-cutter allow obtaining analytical dependencies that connect the main structural parameters of the recycling equipment and the technological modes of its work with the energy consumption and the degree of dispersion of the recycled material, which makes it possible to calculate and design high-efficiency resource-saving equipment for the recycling of polymeric waste into light industry products. All of this has allowed to develop recommendations for determining the main parameters of devices for the recycling of polymeric waste and designing molds for pressure casting of sheet metal products (cases of suitcases) and parts of the bottom of the shoes (soles) with the addition of particles of recycled polymers, on the basis of which devices for plastic weakening (toothed-roller device) and for final destruction (device with rolls of the Relo profile and the needle-cutter) of the polymer structure and the stem molding form have been made, taking into account the orientation of the particles of recycled polymer waste in the finished product.
The dissertation is dedicated to the solution of the scientific and technical problem of designing resource-saving equipment for the ecologically friendly recycling of polymeric waste in light industrial products. Today, polymeric waste from light industry and other industries is recycled by chemical recycling and mechanical grinding. The essential drawback of the chemical recycling of polymeric materials is the high cost of the process and a significant reduction in physical and mechanical characteristics of the recycled material. Mechanical recycling of polymeric waste is easier, cheaper and more productive than the chemical, but today there is not enough equipment for the mechanical recycling of polymeric waste in light industry, mainly equipment is offered exclusively for processing PET or PETP, but mostly this equipment is borrowed from other industries. Modern methods of designing equipment for recycling of polymeric waste do not take into account changes and in the structures and polymer arising during recycling, resulting in the main drawbacks of the process of polymeric waste grinding with modern equipment are: significant energy consumption and reduction of operational properties of recycled polymer due to the destruction of the supramolecular formations of the polymer material during its recycling. Scientific bases of designing equipment for recycling of polymeric waste into products of light industry, developed in the dissertation, allow solving of the problem. They include models of the supramolecular structure of the polymeric material and the methods of determining the elastic properties of the polymer on the basis of their influence on the mechanical and thermal fields, which allow calculating the minimum deformations and temperatures that should create recycling equipment for the destruction of polymer waste, are developed on their basis. On the basis of the above-mentioned methods, the ranges of relative strain of the previous tensile and the heating temperature of the polymeric material are determined, within which the most significant reduction of the modulus of elasticity and shear in the transverse to the previous tension of the direction is provided. The correctness of the developed mathematical models and the methods developed for their determination on the elastic properties of the polymer under known deformation and temperature is confirmed by experimental studies of the influence of mechanical and thermal fields on the physical and mechanical characteristics of the polymeric material. The connection between the deformations that must be created in a polymeric material to destroy it, and the structural and technological parameters of the equipment for the recycling of polymeric waste, determine the dependences obtained in the dissertation, dependencies on the basis of which the methods of designing devices with toothed rolls and rolls of the Relo profile are developed, which allow determining the diameter of the toothed rolls and rolls of the profile of the Relo, the height, the profile angle and step of the teeth, the rotational speed of the rolls, the eccentricity of the arc of rolls of the profile of the Relo relative to the axis of rotation, at which the required dispersion of the recycled material is provided at minimum energy consumption. The correctness of the developed methods of designing equipment for the recycling of polymeric waste is confirmed by the results of the test of an experimental design of this equipment, which was designed using these methods. Recycled on an experimental installation, polymeric waste was used for the manufacture of polymeric products of light industry with increased operational characteristics. The acquisition of such products was made possible by the development of a mathematical model of the movement of a mixture of polymer material with particles of recycled polymer waste in the process of filling the cavity of the mold, which, unlike existing models, allows observing the formation of the structure of polymer products with the inclusion of particles of recycled waste. The correctness of this mathematical model is confirmed by experimental studies of the influence of the structural parameters of the mold on the formation of the structure of the sole with the inclusion of particles of polymeric waste. Increased performance soles for shoes, received injection molding blends of PVC with recycled polyethylene particles was confirmed by experimental tests on the soles of tensile strength and fatigue endurance. The results of these tests can be used in the design of recycling equipment for obtaining the particles of the required shape and size and for designing molds to obtain the required concentration and orientation of the particles in the polymeric products of the light industry. The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time the concept of the design of equipment for the recycling of polymeric waste is proposed, which takes into account the change in the supramolecular structure of the polymeric material and the anisotropy of its properties when it is created in a complex stress-strain state, resulting in a mathematical model for changing the structure of the polymeric material and anisotropy of its operational properties under the influence of mechanical and thermal fields, which is the basis of the analytical method of calculating the elastic properties of polymeric materials, which allows determining the minimum deformation, which should create a recycling equipment in a polymeric material to destroy its structure. The practical significance of the results obtained is that during the implementation of the dissertation, a method for determining the structural parameters of rollers and mills and technological modes of their work, at which the destruction of the polymeric material to the particles of the required dispersion at a minimum energy costs is provided. The experimental researches of the recycling of polymeric materials (polyethylene and polypropylene sheets and PVC soles) on roller devices and needle-cutter allow obtaining analytical dependencies that connect the main structural parameters of the recycling equipment and the technological modes of its work with the energy consumption and the degree of dispersion of the recycled material, which makes it possible to calculate and design high-efficiency resource-saving equipment for the recycling of polymeric waste into light industry products. All of this has allowed to develop recommendations for determining the main parameters of devices for the recycling of polymeric waste and designing molds for pressure casting of sheet metal products (cases of suitcases) and parts of the bottom of the shoes (soles) with the addition of particles of recycled polymers, on the basis of which devices for plastic weakening (toothed-roller device) and for final destruction (device with rolls of the Relo profile and the needle-cutter) of the polymer structure and the stem molding form have been made, taking into account the orientation of the particles of recycled polymer waste in the finished product.
Ключові слова
обладнання, проектування, валковий зубчастий пристрій, валки профілю Рело, полімерні відходи, структура, деформація, навантаження, руйнування, прес-форма для лиття підошов, армовані підошви, equipment, design, roller gear, rolls of the Relo profile recycling, polymeric waste, structure, deformation, loading, destruction, compression molds for molding soles, reinforced a bottom of footwear
Бібліографічний опис
Синюк, О.М. Наукові основи проектування обладнання для переробки полімерних відходів у вироби легкої промисловості : автореф. дис. ... д-ра техн. наук : 05.05.10 / О. М. Синюк. – Київ : ХНУ, 2018. – 44 с.