Application of information technologies for modeling the bearing puller screw

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Одеса: ОНУ
The study of the behavior of structures can be carried out using an experimental approach. This method allows you to evaluate the behavior of the structure under the influence of various external factors. However, it is expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, in the process of developing high-tech competitive products, leading companies use finite-element modeling, partially replacing an expensive natural experiment with a cheaper and more rational computational one, because the modern level of computer technology allows solving complex problems quite quickly.
A solid model of the screw was built in SolidWorks; the main parameters of the model and the material of the part are determined; according to the calculation scheme, restrictions were added to the screw model; applied load; formed a finite element grid; solved the resulting system of algebraic equations; determined the components of the stress-strain state.
Ключові слова
bearing puller, screw, static strength, SolidWorks Simulation
Бібліографічний опис
Rudyk O. Yu. Application of information technologies for modeling the bearing puller screw / O. Yu. Rudyk, V. V. Podchynyuk, A. V. Vasylyshyn // Інформатика, інформаційні системи та технології: тези доповідей двадцять першої всеукраїнської конференції студентів і молодих науковців. Одеса, 26 квітня 2024 р. – Одеса: ОНУ, 2024. – С. 57-58.