Physico-chemical and tribological properties of nitrogened layers of structural steel
Skyba, Mykola Yegorovych
Stechyshyn, Miroslav Stepanovich
Stechyshyna, Nadiya Myroslavivna
Martynyuk, Andriy Vitaliyovych
Lyukhovets, Volodymyr Vasyliovych
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Khmelnytskyi National University
The presented work is a continuation of the problem of solving practical and
theoretical principles of vacuum-diffusion gas-discharge processes, in which the
mechanisms of processes of formation of modified surface layers of metals under
the interaction of regime (temperature, medium saturation, medium pressure in
gas-discharge chamber and saturation time) and energy (current density) and
voltage at the electrodes of the discharge chamber) parameters. On the basis of the
obtained experimental data it is planned to formulate the position of practical use
of a fundamentally new technological process with optimization of combining its
mode and autonomous saturation parameters, which would fully correspond to the
formation on the surface of structures corresponding to increasing reliability and
durability of machine parts. The authors rely on the developed fundamentally new
energy model of the nitriding process in the glow discharge, the main feature of
which is the priority of those subprocesses in strengthening the surface layers of
metals, which in specific operating conditions of parts are most appropriate [1].
Analysis of the literature [2, 3, 4] showed that all known theoretical models
of ionic nitriding processes are largely hypothetical, because the hypotheses
underlying them are not always and not fully confirmed experimentally. A number
of such models do not have an analytical justification, there are no criteria for
optimizing nitrided surfaces, and thus methods of managing the nitriding process
in order to achieve the required performance characteristics. The accumulation of a
large amount of technological data, which do not have a generalized theoretical
basis, not only does not contribute to the development of practical application of
ion-plasma hardening of parts, but often leads to opposite consequences, because
the accumulated results do not take into account real operating conditions.
In the planned cycle of works, fundamentally new provisions of the theory
of diffusion gas-discharge processes of ionic nitriding of metals are formed, which
are based on the priority of energy approaches [1]. From such positions theoretical
processes of diffusion gas-discharge methods of ionic nitriding were not
considered by domestic and foreign researchers, but they open absolutely new
opportunities of studying of the thin mechanism of the phenomena and their
practical application in the field of strengthening of metal surfaces.
Ключові слова
Бібліографічний опис
Physico-chemical and tribological properties of nitrogened layers of structural steel / M. Skyba, M. Stechyshyn, N. Stechyshyna, A. Martynyuk, V. Lyukhovets // Actual problems of modern science : Monograph / ed. by Matiukh S., Skyba M., Musial J., Polishchuk O. – Khmelnytskyi : KHNU, 2021. – P. 488-499.