Економічна безпека інвестиційної діяльності промислових підприємств.
Злотенко, О.Б.
Zlotenko, O.B.
Назва журналу
Номер ISSN
Назва тому
Досліджено теоретичні основи економічної безпеки та інвестиційної
діяльності промислових підприємств. Запропоновано визначення економічної
безпеки інвестиційної діяльності. Наведено основні фактори дестабілізуючого
впливу. Запропоновано стратегічні орієнтири забезпечення економічної
безпеки інвестиційної діяльності. Проведено аналіз стану економічної
безпеки інвестиційної діяльності промислових підприємств та розроблено
адаптовану методику визначення її рівня.
Сформовано механізм реалізації стратегічних напрямів забезпечення
економічної безпеки інвестиційної діяльності підприємства. Здійснено
моделювання процесів залучення інвестиційних ресурсів та розроблено
модель оптимізації економічної безпеки підприємства на основі мінімізації
втрат при формуванні джерел фінансування інвестиційної діяльності.
Запропоновано послідовність формування системи моніторингу реалізації
стратегічних орієнтирів економічної безпеки інвестиційної діяльності.
lem of formation of theoretical, methodical and practical bases of ensuring economic security of investment activity of industrial enterprises. The theoretical bases of economic security and investment activity of industrial enterprises are investigated. The author's interpretation of economic security of investment activity is offered. The factors of destabilizing influence on the economic security of the investment activity of enterprises have been identified and the main dangers, threats and risks within the determined factors have been systematized. Strategic guidelines for ensuring the economic security of investment activities are proposed. The analysis of the dynamics and structure of investments of industrial enterprises has allowed distinguishing a number of problems that arise not only at the level of individual economic entities, but also due to the situation at the level of the economy of the country as a whole. The calculation of the Investment Security Index for 2012–2018, conducted in the dissertation, shows the ineffective investment policy and low investment attractiveness of the domestic economy. It is proved that one of the most important problems for most domestic industrial enterprises is the lack of sources of investment financing. Based on empirical research, the risks that affect the economic security of the investigated enterprises and are related to investment activities have been systematized, and two their groups by the weight of the impact have been identified. An adapted methodology for determining the level of economic security of investment activity of industrial enterprises was developed and tested. The mechanism of realization of strategic directions of ensuring the economic security of the investment activity of the enterprise has been formed, which includes a number of elements and takes into account the influence of the external and internal environment and allows developing an appropriate functional strategy. Modeling of processes of investment resources attraction is carried out and the economic security optimization model for the enterprise based on minimization of losses at formation of sources of financing of investment activity is developed. The model was tested and the optimal strategies of formation of sources of financing of investment activity for the investigated industrial enterprises were determined. The sequence of formation of the system of monitoring the implementation of strategic guidelines for economic security of investment activity is proposed, as well as the basic processes and the order of its functioning at industrial enterprises.
lem of formation of theoretical, methodical and practical bases of ensuring economic security of investment activity of industrial enterprises. The theoretical bases of economic security and investment activity of industrial enterprises are investigated. The author's interpretation of economic security of investment activity is offered. The factors of destabilizing influence on the economic security of the investment activity of enterprises have been identified and the main dangers, threats and risks within the determined factors have been systematized. Strategic guidelines for ensuring the economic security of investment activities are proposed. The analysis of the dynamics and structure of investments of industrial enterprises has allowed distinguishing a number of problems that arise not only at the level of individual economic entities, but also due to the situation at the level of the economy of the country as a whole. The calculation of the Investment Security Index for 2012–2018, conducted in the dissertation, shows the ineffective investment policy and low investment attractiveness of the domestic economy. It is proved that one of the most important problems for most domestic industrial enterprises is the lack of sources of investment financing. Based on empirical research, the risks that affect the economic security of the investigated enterprises and are related to investment activities have been systematized, and two their groups by the weight of the impact have been identified. An adapted methodology for determining the level of economic security of investment activity of industrial enterprises was developed and tested. The mechanism of realization of strategic directions of ensuring the economic security of the investment activity of the enterprise has been formed, which includes a number of elements and takes into account the influence of the external and internal environment and allows developing an appropriate functional strategy. Modeling of processes of investment resources attraction is carried out and the economic security optimization model for the enterprise based on minimization of losses at formation of sources of financing of investment activity is developed. The model was tested and the optimal strategies of formation of sources of financing of investment activity for the investigated industrial enterprises were determined. The sequence of formation of the system of monitoring the implementation of strategic guidelines for economic security of investment activity is proposed, as well as the basic processes and the order of its functioning at industrial enterprises.
Ключові слова
ризик, оптимізаційна модель, економічна безпека, інвестиційна діяльність, стратегічне управління, optimization model, economic security, investment activity, risk, strategic management
Бібліографічний опис
Злотенко, О.Б. Економічна безпека інвестиційної діяльності промислових підприємств : автореф. дис. ... канд. екон. наук: 08.00.04 / О. Б. Злотенко. – Хмельницький : ХНУ, 2019. – 20с.