Computer simulation of the electrohydraulic lift with the help SolidWorks Simulation
Rudyk, Oleksandr Yuhymovych
Shepilo, Oleksandr Vitaliyovych
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Cognum Publishing House. London, United Kingdom
The purpose of the study is to determine the maximum weight of the car, which will not lead to the destruction of the bracket of a two-post lift with electro-hydraulic drive with clear consequences for safety. For geometrical simulation was used program SolidWorks. Analysis was performed by using the software package SolidWorks Simulation, included in the software package SolidWorks.
Ключові слова
car lift, bracket, linear static analysis, SolidWorks Simulation, finite element method
Бібліографічний опис
Rudyk O. Yu. Computer simulation of the electrohydraulic lift with the help SolidWorks Simulation / O. Yu. Rudyk, O. V. Shepilo // The world of science and innovation : Proceedings of the 10th International scientific and practical conference / Cognum Publishing House. – London, United Kingdom, 2021. – P. 160-167. – URL: