The practical usage of the path generating linkage mechanisms and dwell mechanisms on their basis

Харжевський, В'ячеслав Олександрович
Носко, Павло Леонідович
Марченко, Максим Васильович
Kharzhevskyi, V.
Nosko, P.
Marchenko, M.
Назва журналу
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Назва тому
UTP University of Science and Technology
Linkage path generating mechanisms are widely used to drive the various technological machines, and there are mechanisms, working points of which in some part of the trajectory should move along a straight line or along the arc of a circle. Such mechanisms can also provide a dwell of the output link. In particular, such movement of working bodies is necessary in the warp-knitting, combing, winding and other light industry machines, other various fields of modern engineering. But the main problem of the practical usage of such mechanisms is their complicated kinematic synthesis, which can be successfully solved, as shown in the article, by using numerical and analytical kinematic geometry methods.
Ключові слова
кінематичний синтез, напрямні механізми, важільні механізми, періодична зупинка
Бібліографічний опис
Kharzhevskyi V. The practical usage of the path generating linkage mechanisms and dwell mechanisms on their basis / V. Kharzhevskyi, P. Nosko, M. Marchenko // Actual problems of modern science : monograph / UTP University of Science and Technology. – Bydgoszcz, Poland, 2019. – P. 150–159.