Computer design of technological processes strengthening and recovery of parts for automobile transport

Назва журналу
Номер ISSN
Назва тому
Konin – Użhorod – Przemyśl – Chersoń: Poswit
We prepare students not only as users of ready-made CAD, but also give them the opportunity to develop, even elementary, but complete databases of nodes and parts of automobile transport, tools, accessories, materials, equipment, etc. (creation of forms, requests, reports; application the Visual Basic for Applications programming language to optimize the determination of the optimal part restoration mode; the use of macros to optimize the work with the created database; mathematical modelling of the results of wear resistance studies of the restored part in the MathCAD environment).
The teachers are faced with the task of training not users of already developed CAD systems, but specialists who are able to independently develop a database for an information-complete software complex in order to solve the problem of strengthening and restoring parts of automobile transport.
Ключові слова
САD/САМ/САЕ/PDM, DB, Microsoft Office Access, SQL, Visual Basic for Applications, MathCAD
Бібліографічний опис
Rudyk Oleksandr. Computer design of technological processes strengthening and recovery of parts for automobile transport / Oleksandr Rudyk, Pavlo Kaplun, Volodymyr Gonchar // Rozwój nowoczesnej edukacji i nauki – stan, poblemy, perspektywy. Tom ХVI: Miejsce i znaczenie kognitywistyki w rozwoju nauki i edukacji / [Red.: J. Grzesiak, I. Zymomrya, W. Ilnytskyj]. Konin – Użhorod – Przemyśl – Chersoń: Poswit, 2024. – Pp. 133-134.