Формування фінансово-економічного потенціалу у розвитку ЗЕД підприємств за умов євроінтеграції
Мережко, Володимир Миколайович
Merezhko, V.M.
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Хмельницький національний університет
Дисертацію присвячено обґрунтуванню та розробці теоретико-методичних основ і науково-практичних рекомендацій щодо формування фінансово-економічного потенціалу підприємства у розвитку ЗЕД за умов євроінтеграції. Удосконалено термінологію управління фінансово-економічним потенціалом та ЗЕД підприємства. Уточнено взаємозв’язки між фінансово-економічним потенціалом та ЗЕД підприємства. Доповнено систему оцінювання фінансово-економічного потенціалу показниками відтворення. Структуровано фактори впливу на ЗЕД підприємства залежно від їх сутності, рівня утворення та міри релевантності. Досліджено стан і динаміку фінансово-економічного потенціалу машинобудівних підприємств Вінницької області, проаналізовано показники їх зовнішньоекономічної діяльності і перспективи євроінтеграційних процесів.Побудовано структурнологічну модель механізму формування фінансово-економічного потенціалу підприємства з визначенням теоретичного, організаційного, інструментального та інформаційного блоків. У теоретичному блоці визначено теоретичні положення функціонування механізму. В організаційному запропоновано виділяти забезпечуючу та процесну складові. Забезпечуюча складова охоплює усі види ресурсів, необхідні для впровадження і функціонування механізму. Процесна передбачає проведення підготовчих робіт та постійні заходи для формування фінансово-економічного потенціалу.
Визначено мету моніторингу у межах механізму, доведено необхідність відокремлення універсальних і специфічних рис моніторингу і запропоновано їх переліки для моніторингу. Для забезпечення ефективного здійснення моніторингу розроблено вимоги до процедури моніторингу; до інформації, що отримується в результаті; до функцій, що виконуються та до дотримання встановлених принципів. Для визначення послідовності здійснення моніторингу в механізмі формування фінансово-економічного потенціалу запропоновано модель проведення моніторингу фінансово-економічного потенціалу підприємства.
The dissertation is devoted to substantiation and development of theoretical and methodical bases and scientific and practical recommendations on formation of financial and economic potential of the enterprise in development of foreign economic activity in the conditions of European integration. The ttheoretical and methodological approach to study of the peculiarities of financial and economic potential in the development of foreign economic activity has been improved, that focuses on the triad of prerequisites for the formation of economic potential of the enterprise. The terminology of financial and economic potential management and foreign economic activity of the enterprise has been improved. The definition of the concept of financial and economic potential as a possible state of the enterprise and its position in the market, which are assessed taking into account the current financial and economic state of the enterprise and market conditions in the current and forecast period is proposed and substantiated. The structure of interrelation between the financial and economic potential and foreign economic activity of the enterprise is clarified, that includes, amongothers, the types of foreign economic activity that affect the financial and economic potential, details the form and consequences of such impact through the prism of the growth of financial resources, use of opportunities and achievement of results. The theoretical foundations, principles and existing approaches to assessment of economic and financial potential are analysed and the system of assessment of financial and economic potential has been supplemented with existing reproduction indicators, namely, the minimum profit required for expanded reproduction, reproduction margin and reproduction rate. Factors influencing the foreign economic activity of the enterprise are structured depending on their essence, level of education and degree of relevance. The structural model of the mechanism of formation of financial and economic potential of the enterprise with definition of theoretical, organizational, instrumental and information blocks is built and substantiated. In the theoretical block the theoretical positions of functioning of the mechanism are defined. In the organizational block it is offered to allocate providing and process components. The supply component covers all types of resources necessary for the implementation and operation of the mechanism. The process involves preparatory work and ongoing activities to build financial and economic potential. The state and dynamics of financial and economic potential of machine-building enterprises of Vinnytsia region are studied, and the indicators of foreign economic activity and prospects of European integration processes are analysed. The purpose of monitoring within the mechanism is determined, the necessity of separation of universal and specific features of monitoring is proved and their lists for monitoring are offered. To ensure effective monitoring, requirements for the monitoring procedure have been developed; to the information obtained as a result; to the functions performed and to the observance of the established principles. To determine the sequence of monitoring in the mechanism of formation of financial and economic potential, a model of monitoring the financial and economic potential of the enterprise is proposed. Key words: financial and economic potential of the enterprise, foreign economic activity, mechanism of potential formation, monitoring.
The dissertation is devoted to substantiation and development of theoretical and methodical bases and scientific and practical recommendations on formation of financial and economic potential of the enterprise in development of foreign economic activity in the conditions of European integration. The ttheoretical and methodological approach to study of the peculiarities of financial and economic potential in the development of foreign economic activity has been improved, that focuses on the triad of prerequisites for the formation of economic potential of the enterprise. The terminology of financial and economic potential management and foreign economic activity of the enterprise has been improved. The definition of the concept of financial and economic potential as a possible state of the enterprise and its position in the market, which are assessed taking into account the current financial and economic state of the enterprise and market conditions in the current and forecast period is proposed and substantiated. The structure of interrelation between the financial and economic potential and foreign economic activity of the enterprise is clarified, that includes, amongothers, the types of foreign economic activity that affect the financial and economic potential, details the form and consequences of such impact through the prism of the growth of financial resources, use of opportunities and achievement of results. The theoretical foundations, principles and existing approaches to assessment of economic and financial potential are analysed and the system of assessment of financial and economic potential has been supplemented with existing reproduction indicators, namely, the minimum profit required for expanded reproduction, reproduction margin and reproduction rate. Factors influencing the foreign economic activity of the enterprise are structured depending on their essence, level of education and degree of relevance. The structural model of the mechanism of formation of financial and economic potential of the enterprise with definition of theoretical, organizational, instrumental and information blocks is built and substantiated. In the theoretical block the theoretical positions of functioning of the mechanism are defined. In the organizational block it is offered to allocate providing and process components. The supply component covers all types of resources necessary for the implementation and operation of the mechanism. The process involves preparatory work and ongoing activities to build financial and economic potential. The state and dynamics of financial and economic potential of machine-building enterprises of Vinnytsia region are studied, and the indicators of foreign economic activity and prospects of European integration processes are analysed. The purpose of monitoring within the mechanism is determined, the necessity of separation of universal and specific features of monitoring is proved and their lists for monitoring are offered. To ensure effective monitoring, requirements for the monitoring procedure have been developed; to the information obtained as a result; to the functions performed and to the observance of the established principles. To determine the sequence of monitoring in the mechanism of formation of financial and economic potential, a model of monitoring the financial and economic potential of the enterprise is proposed. Key words: financial and economic potential of the enterprise, foreign economic activity, mechanism of potential formation, monitoring.
Ключові слова
фінансово-економічний потенціал підприємства, зовнішньоекономічна діяльність, механізм формування потенціалу, моніторинг, financial and economic potential of the enterprise, monitoring, foreign economic activity, mechanism of potential formation
Бібліографічний опис
Мережко В.М. Формування фінансово-економічного потенціалу у розвитку ЗЕД підприємств за умов євроінтеграції : автореф. дис. ... канд. екон. наук : 08.00.04 / В. М. Мережко. – Хмельницький : ХНУ, 2021. – 20с.